table of contents

2006 Julytable of contents Augustsimple living in 95 sq ft Augustmore on simple livingdreams and cutting down on possessions Septembersimple travelbetween the roads Octoberpacking for the road Novemberchoosing a rig Decembertread lightly 2007 Januaryone foot in the grave - get back in shape and experience the Outdoors Marchlake powell Junehome sweet home - summer job in Kanab, UT and the Kaibab Plateau Septemberseasonal work - ideas and resources Septemberuse of time Novemberheading southMoab, UT and down rt.191 to southern AZ and Anne LaBastille 2008 Januarysouthern new mexico state parksfull moon, mug, and bowl walks, don’t act your age, and meeting other campers Januarylet others know - lettering for the outside of your rig Februarythe lifestyle—what it’s like to live like this & security Februaryodds and ends for off-the-grid vagabonds living in ...