heading southMoab, UT
down rt.191 to southern AZ
and Anne LaBastille
down rt.191 to southern AZ
and Anne LaBastille

After the seven month workamper job in Kanab, with only two days a week for dry-camping, I was sure ready to hit the road. Took a slow cruise up route 89 towards the Salt Lake area to visit friends there and in Park City for a couple of weeks. Went out to Antelope Island to see the vets wrap up the bison inoculations. The Lake sure was down. I lived in Salt Lake in the early 80's when we were sandbagging downtown streets and they were building pumps to pump water from the lake out into the west desert. Lucked out with the weather. Also lined up a job for next summer as a primitive campground host up in the Wasatch. Maybe even an opportunity to teach a six-week silversmith class up in Park City prior to this. Not bad. Meandered down route 6 and camped a couple nights up Horse Canyon, south of Page, before heading on to Moab. Moab was fabulous this time of year. I parked at a friend’s house for a few days. The neighbor across the road has horses. Meadow and Onyx have never seen h...