granite gap

I turned off rt80 onto a sand road in the Peloncillo Mtns. for some disperse camping. There were some spectacular granite and limestone formations. Found a nice spot up against some rocks and stayed for a few days. Saw a couple filling the back of their pickup with sticks one day, another day a couple just cruised through, and a couple javelina shooters came in later for awhile. Other than that, no one. On one of our dusk walks, I came across a couple of blankets and a day pack. The thing I do not enjoy about disperse camping down here is how often I come across sign of UDAs. It’s not an area where I sit around a fire at night and relax. I’ve never had a run-in with any but it’s hard for me to feel safe.
Meadow and Onyx loved being allowed back outside. I don’t let them out when in Bisbee.
The photos are of the road going in, some clouds on a morning run, the UDA rock, a working windmill with pump that I came across while out mountain biking, and my camping spot. There is not much in the way of trees in the desert for Meadow so she has to make do.
I also went back and shortened ‘the lifestyle’ entry to actually focus just on the lifestyle itself and added the ‘odds and endsuseful items to have along for full-timing in a small trailer’ to cover that part of the lifestyle.
I will be spending the last two weeks of February in City of Rocks, then over to the Big Burro Mountains for a week, and back to City of Rocks for three last weeks. By then enough snow should be gone from the lower trails north of Silver City. I want to explore them during April and May if I can find enough places to disperse camp. Then maybe up to the mountains north of Taos for a month or so to exploring those trails.
Have another entry to post the end of next week.
RVwest article ‘Following a Free Spirit’
Thanks for the great photos and musings on the life lived simply and freely...