sweat lodge, a mistake, a second shelter,
2nd spot in the canyon rims area
and cryptobiotic soil
2nd spot in the canyon rims area
and cryptobiotic soil

After three weeks, I broke camp and made a run into Moab for supplies and to see a couple friends. I had breakfast with Lisa at Love Muffin CafĂ© like the last time. It’s always a treat to see her and the Muffin has good food and sidewalk tables. Then I picked up some stuff at the food co-op. Afterwards I stopped in at Arches Electronics to see if I could get a replacement Nikon Coolpix. The owner was getting ready to close the store for the winter and he gave me a stellar deal on a model S9300. Two upgrades from my S9100 and it was $50 less than what I paid for the 9100. I asked if he had any 10x50 binocularsand he gave me another good price. It was like christmas in October. Then I spent almost three hours on the web; too long but I still did not finish the work I wanted to do. I sure miss daily access to the web. It’s such a fabulous learning tool. Later I met Theresa for coffee and went back to her place to fill up my water jugs. It was the end of October and Theresa and Da...