one trailer, two trailers, one trailer

Well, we’re in our new home. While heading north, I knew when I was passing through Utah. I took a campsite in southern Utah for one night after a long drive and wanting to get a real early start the next day. The campers in the next site had Remington low riders! I read an article about a couple traveling in a 5th wheel and it stated, “…they often boondockstaying in the parking lot of a casino or a Wal-mart.” Can’t quite bring myself to comment on that. Along similar lines, there is something called The ND Indoor RV Park ( I just skimmed something on it so I’m probably wrong. It sounds as if one can set up their RV in an insulated building and LIVE in it. Like I said, I must be wrong. Each building can hold up to 24 rigs. Each of the 10 buildings has carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, climate control and air exchanger ventilation. Again, it would probably be best if I do not comment on this. I did the ‘butt voyeur’ thing for two bac...