new people, 40’, life/wintering in the 17K,
boomerangs, and PLBs
boomerangs, and PLBs

I picked up a member’s magazine from an RV organization at a park’s book exchange. One of the articles had this gem: ‘We boondock in family’s driveways, at Walmart and in parking lots. In Canada, most of the provincial campgrounds have no services, so we boondock there. Our friends boondock at Casinos and camping store parking lots.’ Good grief. Before one leans to type, he uses two index fingers to hunt & peck. After he learns to type, all fingers and thumbs were used. Now one uses only two thumbs to enter data. Hmm. I went up to a guy’s site who was dry camping at Villanueva. Ben travels with a car and utility trailer for the past year or so. He’s really into good bread and bakes some every week in a Dutch oven. He went into a Cabela’s one day, picked up a book on Dutch oven cooking, skimmed it, and picked up all the gear he thought he would need to get into it. Not bad. He gave me some of a loaf he had just baked and it was delicious. He bakes both yeast and unleave...