stay cool, online drawback,
and back to the life
and back to the life

To stay cool, drive up to over 8,000’ and set up in the shade of ponderosa pines. That’s it. Simple. Back to the life I love bestsimple,isolated and time rich. Can’t get much betterfresh air, peace of mind, healthful exercise, and roaming felines. I feel so much more alive living out in Nature. I’m presently in Colorado at 9,345’, just a few miles from the Continental Divide and the Colorado Trail. Mornings, mostly, have clear skies and calm air. Afternoons bring wind and clouds. When it starts to get hot, I’ll look for a spot to set up with more shade. When I get out of the bag at 6:00, the inside temp has ranged from 36° to 44°. I’m sure it wouldn’t be so nippy if I did not keep the cage and bedroom windows fully open during the night. You can probably guess I’m still orienting the Nash for winter camping. Once the sun heats the inside to the lower 50s, I lower and close the back blinds, making sure the two east-facing windows are closed and closed. When the days...