kickass classical, never stand still, 5 goats,
lesson for the teacher, kayaks, and
bet I can put on more clothing than you
lesson for the teacher, kayaks, and
bet I can put on more clothing than you

If you were at Bottomless or Brantley SPs in the past year or so, you might have noticed a family living in a 13’ x 27’ tent with an 11’ vestibule. Well, I went over to Diana and Ross’s site (yep, hard to forget their names) a couple weeks ago as they were striking their tent for the last time. Ross works in the oil industry around Artesia and the family rented a U-Haul trailer every two weeks to move back and forth between the two state parks. Diana home schools the two girls. They found a house to rent in a decent area of Artesia and are going to settle in for a while. They liked the lifestyle, although the summer was tough, and at some point will come back to it or get an RV. The day after I got back to Bottomless, the water was turned off, the bathroom/shower was closed, and the wi-fi was downmerry christmas. Then two days with highs in the 20s, when it’s usually in the 50s. Had to run the furnace to heat up the area where the gray water tank is until it thawed out and I c...