seventh goat, kn, Goliath, Uros,
and the return of Cleo
and the return of Cleo

For the winter solstice I purchased another goat. My Heifer International total is now seven goats, two flocks of chicks, one flock of geese, one flock of ducks, and a ‘Gift of a Healthy Home.’ Next donation will be on the spring equinox. This is a different concepta modular trailer that you assemble when you want to hit the road. The Teal International Tail Feather’s website is: What a treat it is for me to stay at Bottomless; it’s about the only place I stay that offers wi-fi. I caught up on all the URLs from my list to check out from the previous year and looked up a number of things I was interested in. I downloaded dozens of pages that I will read through once I get back off-the-grid in the spring. Life is good. Even took care of the annual waxing of truck and trailer. Wish I had access to ready water in the summer so I could do it twice a year. So much for heading south for the winter. For those ...