21 miles, 38 degrees, 28%
and another bobcat
and another bobcat

I was not sure if I had dug out the slope enough and extended a backup area to 3-point turn the Nash around so I could get in position to drive down the access road (I didn’t). I decided to hook up the Nash and turn it around a few days before I thought I would be pulling out, just in case there was a problem. There was. I spent a couple hours doing more digging and cutting down four small trees that I really wanted to keep. Guano. Sure glad I didn’t wait until moving day. Meadow and Mesa seem to prefer this orientation. Generally, the view outside the back window looks into the distance. With it all in so close here, M&M spend much more time on the table looking out. One afternoon this doe came in close to the window. Pretty cool. This little spot is a favorite place for both M&M to chill out. Whenever I was going to do some work around the property, I made sure Meadow and Mesa were outside. They followed me around and got familiar with the land. When I’m with them, ...