poppycock, park from above, and hope
I’ve been to Central Park and seen many photos of it. But not one from this angle. Pretty cool.
I came across most of these in a newspaper (remember those?) and they brought to mind others that I remember. How long has it been since you heard any of these lines? I remember them all and I’m kinda glad they are no longer in use. A couple of these words did not even show up in a spell check.
Everything Hunky Dory?
You drive that jalopy? and Don’t touch that dial.
You sound like a broken record. and Let me have a carbon copy.
That’s poppycock. and That’s gobbledygook.
You young, Whippersnapper!
It could be a boondoggle.
Heavens to Betsy! and Holy Moley!
Gee whillikers! and Jumping Jehoshaphat!
Living the life of Riley. and We’re in like Flint.
Not for all the tea in China. and What a nincompoop.
Gee, that’s just swell. and Knee high to a grasshopper.
Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. (How could one come up with this?)
Kilroy was here. (I had read somewhere that a riveter, or maybe it was a pipefitter, on Navy ships during one of the world wars wrote this along side his work. Sounds feasible.)
This is a fine kettle of fish. (What?)
Hey, it’s your nickel. and Don’t take any wooden nickels.
Oh, golly. and Phui or Phooey
It’s strange how our expressions have changed so much in only a few decades.
I got back into sudoku this past summer. It feels good to work out puzzles. Research shows that participating in such activities, as well as daily walks help hold back the onset of dementia. Simply taking responsibility for one’s health. Doesn’t look as if most people do that.
I’m somewhat apprehensive of getting back to hard-wall camping off-the-grid, next year. What if I was up in Oregon or Montana, as I could have easily been, when I picked up the bacteria? If my Moab friends didn’t help me out with my setback on the Kaibab Plateau, M&M would have died, and I don’t know what would have happened to my home and truck. And my friends in Salt Lake, with their visits and taking me out, lifted me up more than they can imagine. Then Lynn was there holding my hand in Tucson, with my next unexpected surgery. I was feeling so dull when I got to Lynn’s, that I apologized to her. After two months, she got me back up to snuff. I owe her.
I guess I’m starting to realize how vulnerable I can be. I’ll have to find some friends here in southern NM, who I can offer help to, and feel comfortable to ask for help from them. Don’t quite know how I’m going to go about doing this, however. I have not come across any of my kind of people yet. Still have hope.
Mind how you go.
Change your life.
RVwest article ‘Following a Free Spirit’
RVwest article ‘The Spaces Between the Places’
Sebastian, I can imagine you trepidation about setting up camp in the backcountry. I'm getting to that age where I put in a bit of worry in, myself. I suppose if something happens, I have my beacon. My dog being alone, if nobody picked him up, would worry me the most.
Weighing the pros and cons will get you to the right place.
You know you're getting old when all of your injuries are the result of sleeping weird.