CH751, being-dead, ice, uu and cinderblock

It does not take one long to realize many RVs take the same locker key, CH751. I know, it took a couple years but I finally replaced the cylinder locks with different ones. I replaced the cylinder locks with different ones. Just had to move the finger-pull to the other latch since the new 1 1/8” cylinder lock was a bit too short.

I don’t care all that much about how my hair looks. So I bought a Wahl home haircutting kit. They range from $20-45, I got the $25 one and it came with way more attachments than I’ll ever use. The first time I tried cutting my hair, I was looking in a mirror. That certainly did not work well. I learned to just go by the feel of how the depth guard was moving across my head. Much better. I could give myself a really good haircut if my head was sitting on a table. But then I would have the being-dead issue.

Why is a ‘w’ called a ‘double-u?’ Looks like a double-v. The Latin alphabet did not have a letter to represent the W sound in Old English. So scribes of the 600s wrote it as ‘uu.’ The letters meshed over time, as we see if written in cursive.

One day I got buzzed by a hummingbird (never did see it), so I dug out sugar I had left over from last year and boiled up some sugar water. The bird did not come around again until the following morning. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring the feeder in for the night. Can you guess? The bird stuck its beak into a slot—and hit ice. What the …?! He tried it another two or three times and flew off. The next night I remembered to bring the feeder inside.

I finally got the flat-spot roughed out. I need to fine tune the leveling and rake out excess rock. I hope to get some ground cover growing when the rains start. I’ll soon be repositioning the Nash. While it’s still cold in the mornings, I wanted the back window facing the rising sun.
But it wasn’t just about a flat spot for the Nash. I had to dig out an area big enough to 3-point turn the Nash so I could get back down the access road. The Dodge/Nash rig measures 42’ so it took a lot of work; cutting down the uphill slope and building up an area to back onto. And I’m still working on the access road. Should have it all done sometime this summer. Going to have to celebrate somehow.

Remember this photo? This is the spot when I first purchased the property. I know, I know, looks like I trashed it but green will come back.

I came across this house while on a hike. It has been abandoned for years. The house is on a nice secluded spot with great views out the windows. I like it; it certainly has potential. If it was mine, and it won’t be, I’d definitely add some color and a deck. It looks like a bank repossessed it.

The ball is in your court. Pick it up.

March sixty minutes sixty years—1800 minutes
March Triple 18—upper: 1800; core: 1800; legs: 1800

A man moved from ritual to ritual,
performing mostly by rote,
and it was only during the times in between
that he was fully alive.
But they were rare.
Robert Daley in The Dangerous Edge

RVwest article ‘Following a Free Spirit’

RVwest article ‘The Spaces Between the Places’



Rob K said…
Too funny. I've used a Wahl clipper set for about 15 years. I got tired of have to make small talk with haircutters. I've gone through 3 of them. Well worth the time and money of driving to get haircuts and tips.
Wendy N said…
In French, a W is pronounced doo-bla-vay.
siscily said…
we just got off the phone. thanks for the birthday call! so I came in here to check and see if my comment ever got posted. NO, it did not. I did find my google act info so am going to try and post this using that way and see if it goes through. stay warm! xo

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