
Showing posts from July, 2019

a few short bits and thoughts on a move

Looks as if this guy is developing a nice rack. That’s cracked corn on his nose. Hope he makes it through shooting season. A little kung fu humor. A friend from Salt Lake drove down for a visit. Brent and I taught at the same private school for years. He always heads north for his road trips, so this was an unexpected treat, having him head south. We only managed to get in one short hike but we had some good talks in the evenings. He got me to see some things in a more objective way. Something I’ve always needed but mostly not open too. At this point in my life, decades late, I’m receptive to it. I also learned some things I did not know; always a good thing. Wish the visit lasted longer. A week or so later, I was thinking I need more talks like that. Maybe I really will head up to northern NM next year. It would probably be good for me to find some property 15-20 miles outside a small town, with access to mountains. Going into the shops and cafe would provide opportunities ...