
Showing posts from September, 2019

upset, 20 gauge, and smartest & dumbest

After it rains and the buckets fill from under the gutter spouts, I move them out to where the corn and scratch grain is. This is a common scene. I might have finally taken a decent shot of my Montezumas. When the lady gets a little upset, sometimes a simple, ‘Calm down,’ in a low, soothing voice—is all it takes to get her A LOT upset. Early in the summer, hummingbirds were sippin’ the feeder dry in a day. I did not want this to be a daily chore so I started taking the feeder down around 8:00 in the morning and hung it back up around 5:00. I figured the hummers should learn where flowers and other feeders are located in the area in case mine wasn’t up. The survival thing. If I’m late hanging the feeder back up and I’m outside, I’ve had a hummer buzz me. As if to say, Hey, slacker, where’s my sugar water? If I’m inside, sometimes one will hover outside the back window for a few seconds looking in at me. I always respond quickly. I’ve been having trouble with ...