bondic, PCO and incentive
Yep, neighbors are starting to come around. I think I was listening to Pandora when a commercial came on about Bondic. I only listen to Pandora for two months in the winter when I have wi-fi from the Nash so I stick with the free version, with commercials, but at least they tend to be different. Anyway, the product sounded good so I ordered a starter kit. Bondic is a LED UV plastic welding unit. It is not a glue. Shortly afterwards, the frame of my off-the-rack reading glasses broke. I sanded the surfaces, squeezed on a small amount of Bondic, focused the light on it for 3-4 seconds, held it together for another few seconds and the glasses were as good as new. Didn’t even bother to sand the weld. The kit went into the bottom galley drawer where some tools and fixit type things reside. I only used the kit once so far and it worked as advertised. It’s a keeper. After cataract surgery, 20% or so develop posterior capsule opacification (PCO). PCO occurs because cells remaining afte...