bondic, PCO and incentive

Yep, neighbors are starting to come around.

I think I was listening to Pandora when a commercial came on about Bondic. I only listen to Pandora for two months in the winter when I have wi-fi from the Nash so I stick with the free version, with commercials, but at least they tend to be different. Anyway, the product sounded good so I ordered a starter kit. Bondic is a LED UV plastic welding unit. It is not a glue. Shortly afterwards, the frame of my off-the-rack reading glasses broke. I sanded the surfaces, squeezed on a small amount of Bondic, focused the light on it for 3-4 seconds, held it together for another few seconds and the glasses were as good as new. Didn’t even bother to sand the weld. The kit went into the bottom galley drawer where some tools and fixit type things reside. I only used the kit once so far and it worked as advertised. It’s a keeper.

After cataract surgery, 20% or so develop posterior capsule opacification (PCO). PCO occurs because cells remaining after cataract surgery grow over the posterior of the capsule causing it to thicken and become slightly opaque. This means that light is less able to travel through to the retina at the back of one’s eye. Sight can become blurred and cloudy, or one may have problems with bright lights and glare.

  PCO can be treated by a low risk, quick, painless laser treatment called Nd:YAG posterior capsulotomy to correct the problem.
The procedure is performed in the outpatient clinic and only takes 5-10 minutes. The ophthalmologist focuses the laser exactly onto the back of the lens capsule in order to cut away a small circle-shaped area. This leaves some of the capsule to keep your artificial lens in place (like a cuff around the lens or a bezel around a cabochon), but removes enough in the middle to allow the light to pass directly through to the retina.

I was reading a novel and one of the characters was wearing a shirt that read, ‘Save the planet cuz I still live here.’ Wish more people would think this way.

Anyone know what this plant is? They break through the soil in late March and by June, most have turned dark brown, dry out and look dead.

Over the winter I kept up on my monthly 60-for-60 and 1800 rep challenges. But I gradually lessened the intensity over the weeks. Not good. If I had only stuck with at least medicine-ball routines (grasping the bells of a dumbbell). When I started working on my acre again, it was an eye opener. I had lost most of what I gained last summer. My fault, just being a wuss. I looked back to a couple of photos on my “Here’s a little story” page (09/2016). It was the incentive I needed.
The weakness I’m coming back from now is nothing compared to the weakness I came back from then. Upped the intensity of my workouts and have been makin’ good progress lately. Sometimes all it takes is a picture.

The ball is in your court. Pick it up.

March sixty minutes sixty years— 1800 minutes
March Triple 18—upper: 1880; core: 2935 legs:

One’s vibe attracts one’s tribe.

RVwest article ‘Following a Free Spirit’

RVwest article ‘The Spaces Between the Places’



MdmLibrarian said…
Those plants are very interesting. I tried to do a Google image search, but could not find an exact match. They look like underwater coral, but obviously are not! The closest I could come was something called "boschniakia". Now I'm obsessed with the idea of figuring this out (my librarian genes, I guess)!

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