tire table, masks and voodoo

The Tire Table (tailgatertiretable.com $140) is working out well. It’s easy to set up and plenty sturdy, with a fold-down leg if needed. The table stores flat with all pieces locked in place. Not bad. Gives me a handy spot for preparing a meal and use a stove outside. The Nash can reach 90 degrees or more on hot days when I don’t have the option of setting up in the shade. Another good purchase.

If one has not looked into what type of mask to purchase by now, here are some points to be aware of. Look for 3-layer surgical masks. True surgical masks have an electrostatic charge. The masks I’m presently using have a spunbond polypropylene 1st barrier; a non-woven melt-blown polypropylene 2nd layer filtration; and a spunbond polypropylene final barrier. Couldn’t find if these are the best materials for the three layers but I’ll use them until I find data for a better mask. One source stated that surgical masks do “not provide the wearer with reliable level of protection from inhaling smaller airborne particles and is not considered respiratory protection.”

If one goes with cloth masks, be sure they have multiple layers. Get some polypropylene layers in there. I’m not positive about this, it just seems to make sense, so do your own research.
Or go with the N95 respirator.

The chicks are growing.

“I’ve never wanted to know the answer to anything bad enough to ask a question at a meeting that’s running 30 minutes over time”. Abby Heugel

I recall faculty meetings when I was thinking something similar, but there was one teacher who could be counted on to keep asking questions.

I was contemplating tracking down a voodoo practitioner to make me a doll. I would then start carrying a bag to faculty meetings. When the teacher kept on with the question, I would reach into the bag and grasp the doll in one hand and a pin in the other. Go ahead—ask another question.

Don’t know if these two male and female Montezuma quails are the ones that have been here the last couple summers. I sure like having them around to watch.

The ball is in your court. Pick it up.

June sixty minutes sixty years— 3530 minutes
June Triple 18—upper: 3135; core: 2050; legs: 4705

Too late for what?

RVwest article ‘Following a Free Spirit’

RVwest article ‘The Spaces Between the Places’


Rob K said…
I've been watching Peak Prosperity on YT and Chris Martenson found a company in LA that tested different fabrics. They found that shop towels have the same protection as n95. I think they used them as a second layer in their masks. Company is 'Suay'
Chris has a PHD in epidemiology, I think. I always forget which. Anyway, he's been poring through papers and the science of Covid. Might give Peak Prosperity a look.
Rob K.
Wow, I will check this out, Rob. Thanks
MdmLibrarian said…
Where's the bottle of wine for your tire table???
Hi Pinball
Yes, wine is often on the table in the evenings. A glass is waiting for you.

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