Orion, SC status, wine visits and a joke

Around the first of the month, I opened my eyes at 5:00, looked at the area of the night sky that was framed by my bedroom window, and there was Orion. It’s the only constellation I follow in the winter. This, with my head still on the pillow. Over the weeks Orion has been moving towards dropping out of the window-framed sky. Just lucked out with how the Nash was positioned. Simple pleasures in a simple lifestyle.

Still no luck with finding property around Silver City. I looked at lots out to 30 miles to the south, 20 miles to the west, and maybe to 20 miles to the east. Recently, I asked my realtor to look for property in the Gila River valley, 30 miles northwest of Silver. The area I want to check out has a population of 400. The terrain is semi-arid and close to the Gila National forest. Maybe this winter won’t be a wash, like last winter, as far as finding property. We’ll see.

This is the gist of my updated criteria that I sent my realtor.

4-6 acres zoned un-restricted. I want to continue living in my travel trailer.
No more than a 30 minute drive from Silver City.
Preferably in hills or near the Gila National Forest, not out on the flats.
Off a gravel or dirt road; not along an asphalt road.
Somewhat isolated if possible.
The terrain needs to be such that I can tow my 22’ trailer onto the back of the property.
Do not necessarily need electricity, water or septic tank.

For myself, I’d like a hospital within an hour’s drive as well as a university, coffee shops, maybe a funky cafe, a Thai and an Italian restaurant, and cell phone coverage. Yeah, good luck, right? It might be 15 years since I had cell phone coverage in the places where I set up for eight months of the year.

As you might know, I moved to this park last winter after the NMSPs closed, to spend time with a friend I met in the NMSPs back in 2007. A person I could have conversations with. Also, one of the ladies I met last winter is still here. Another person I could have conversations with. One thing I did last year with Deb, was have 4:00 wine-visits. We sat in front of her rig with our wine of choice and had conversations and laughs. Very pleasant. This year I started this with my friends here, some days one on one and some with both. I know, it probably does not sound like much. But I cannot do this with anyone I’ve met so far in Timberon. In conversations I expect, listening, comments, questions, back and forth dialog, learning, feelings, empathy, humor, and sometimes more; not what many put into a so-called conversation. So you can see how I value a good conversation. Simple pleasures.

From time to time, as I’m going about the day, I’ll think of a humorous take on something common. Here is another one of my originals (don’t expect much).

This couple is in their 90’s. The wife prepared a birthday cake with 95 candles on it. She placed it down in front of her husband. He sat there staring at it, wondering how many puffs his wife will allow him to blow out all the candles.
His wife smiled, and placed a can of compressed air alongside the cake.

Yep, I was holding a can of compressed gas after I had just cleaned the Mac’s keyboard.

Think back in time, way back. “What a revoltin’ situation.” Remember who could have said that?

The ball is in your court. Pick it up.

October sixty minutes sixty years—2120 minutes
October Triple 18—upper: 2425; core: 2220; legs: 4500

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination, and life to everything.

Table of Contents

RVwest article ‘Following a Free Spirit’

RVwest article ‘The Space Between the Places’


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