trimming excess, Air, walk-around, bone conduction and probably should

I had a slew of tool and supplies from years of silversmithing. Including all tools and materials for teaching a class of twelve, so students did not have to purchase anything, other than the sterling silver. This a a photo of the last of my stuff sitting in the back of my pickup. Sold it through craigslist Las Crusus. Now I am down to one Large toolbox with enough tools to make whatever I would wish to make. I’m good. I decided to not have my MacBook Pro repaired. Purchased a MacBook Air. I never needed all the power and features of a Pro, but it is such an awesome laptop, that I just wanted one. Anyway, for what I use a computer for, the Air is plenty. So much for purchasing a Chromebook. I enjoyed learning how to use it, along with Google Drive, Docs and whatnot. Might use it when staying in a spot with wi-fi. No regrets. There were some procedures I needed help with so I called a friend in Moab. Yep, the one who initially told me about ChromeBook years ago. She set up a Goog...